March 2022 Mentors in My Life

Who mentors you?Are you a mentor?Did a mentor change your life? The Seven Directions LOST BROTHER Recording includes the poem and a short story of Baal Shem Tov (The Besht) By Stanley Moss I knew that tree was my lost brother when I heard he was cut down at four thousand eight hundred sixty-two years; I…

February 2022 Small Miracles

Can you list the miracles in your life?What to you is miraculous? The Heart of Us All  With the radio and the television off all morning  and the newspaper folded in its chair  I leave the laptop alone  and set my phone on mute  I just want to hear bird-chatter in the air  faint shouts…

January 2022 My Worst & Best Day

What made my worst Day?Remembering my best dayLiving through my worst day The Lion for Real              By Allen Ginsberg                          Soyez muette pour moi, Idole contemplative…  I came home and found a lion in my living room  Rushed out on the fire-escape screaming Lion! Lion!  Two stenographers pulled their brunette hair and banged the window shut  I hurried…

December 22021 If Not Now … When?

What am I waiting for?Why not now?What holds me back?When? The Black Snake    by Mary Oliver When the black snake flashed onto the morning road, and the truck could not swerve— death, that is how it happens. Now he lies looped and useless as an old bicycle tire. O stop the car and carry…

November 2021 Making vs. Wasting Time

How do I make time for myself?What was I told was a waste of my time?Do I make time for what’s important to me? Basket Woman [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="450" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file=""]basketWoman[/cpm-item][/cpm-player] A tale by Eugene Marckx Long ago when the first people lived on the earth a young man left all his…

October 2021 Where Is My Song?

Do I remember my song?Where does my song come from?Am I willing to sing it? A Hole in the Sky [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="450" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file=""]HoleInTheSky[/cpm-item][/cpm-player] (from the Colville Native American tradition) In the time before humans were born, the critters and birds had a tough time of it. The sky was always…

September 2021 My Mask/My Self

•             What I want you to think about me? •             What I want to hide from? •             Will I let you see me? Selfish Pig a tale by Eugene Marckx [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="250" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file=""]SelfishPig[/cpm-item][/cpm-player] Once upon a time there was a king and queen who loved each other so very openly.…

August 2021 Risking It All

•             What all is it I’m risking? •             Am I too risk averse? •             I’m I willing to not take the risk? •             Do I know the benefits of risk? The Journey             by Mary Oliver One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting…

July 2021 I’m Taking That Back

•             What did it cost me to belong? •             How much of myself did I give away? •             What will I do to get it back? Oh Lord, It’s Hard to Be Humble by Mac Davis Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble When you’re perfect in every way I can’t wait to look in…

June 2021 My Dad’s Not Here

Where did he go?Was he here but not present?Did he struggle to connect with me?Did he feel the loss like I did? Direction Calling [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="450" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file=""]DirectionCalling[/cpm-item][/cpm-player]
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