October 2021 Where Is My Song?

Do I remember my song?Where does my song come from?Am I willing to sing it? A Hole in the Sky [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="450" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file="https://www.agatheringofmen.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HoleInTheSky.wav"]HoleInTheSky[/cpm-item][/cpm-player] (from the Colville Native American tradition) In the time before humans were born, the critters and birds had a tough time of it. The sky was always…

September 2021 My Mask/My Self

•             What I want you to think about me? •             What I want to hide from? •             Will I let you see me? Selfish Pig a tale by Eugene Marckx [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="250" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file="https://www.agatheringofmen.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/SelfishPig.wav"]SelfishPig[/cpm-item][/cpm-player] Once upon a time there was a king and queen who loved each other so very openly.…

August 2021 Risking It All

•             What all is it I’m risking? •             Am I too risk averse? •             I’m I willing to not take the risk? •             Do I know the benefits of risk? The Journey             by Mary Oliver One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting…

July 2021 I’m Taking That Back

•             What did it cost me to belong? •             How much of myself did I give away? •             What will I do to get it back? Oh Lord, It’s Hard to Be Humble by Mac Davis Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble When you’re perfect in every way I can’t wait to look in…

June 2021 My Dad’s Not Here

Where did he go?Was he here but not present?Did he struggle to connect with me?Did he feel the loss like I did? Direction Calling [cpm-player skin="device-player-skin" width="450" playlist="true" autoplay="false" shuffle="false" type="audio"][cpm-item file="https://www.agatheringofmen.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/DirectionCalling.wav"]DirectionCalling[/cpm-item][/cpm-player]

2021 Online Event

Online Event 2021 A Gathering of Men presents The Gifts I Have to Give to the World Everyone comes into this world endowed with a unique genius, a special gift for the world. This gift is hidden from us. Our call is to discover this gift and be our authentic self. Our social and familial…

May 2021 How About Really Listening?

Do I give the speaker my undivided attention?Do I use body language (nods, eye contact, etc..) to show I’m engaged?Do I ask clarifying questions?Do I immediately rush to judgement?Do I respond to win points? Mullah Nasrudin's Flower Garden Told by Eugene Marckx The Tangled Hills  By Eugene Marckx Find a place at the edge of…

April 2021 What My Anger Really Wants

My Anger tells me to...When angers in charge of me what can I do?When angers in charge of me what must I do? A Thorn in the King’s Foot Adapted from a tale by Duncan Williamson, Scotland’s greatest storyteller ‒ Penguin (1987) Many years ago lived a king in a large castle. All around his…

February 2021 What My Grief Can Give

Is there something to be gained by looking at and descending into grief? The Snow Man  recited by Gene Marckx By Wallace Stevens One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged…
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