September 2023 Wisdom in My Wounds

The Useless Parts  You know you want to ... but can you?You say you will ... but you don’tor you try and try ... then walk awayand tell yourself tomorrow – tomorrow’s the day  But your clock is moving backwardOn its own tomorrow doesn’t comeand those scenes mulling in you on a slow boil– their…

August 2023 Running on Empty

What depletes me? How do I avoid burnout? How do I recharge? Song of the Shattering Vessels by Peter Cole Either the world is coming togetheror else the world is falling apart—          here—now—along these letters,          against the walls of every heart. Today, tomorrow, within its weather,the end or beginning’s about to start—          the world impossibly coming together          or very possibly…

July 2023 Hearing You Out

Will you tell me the truth? Will I really listen? What do I need to put aside to really hear you? Food of Love by Carolyn Kizer Eating is touch carried to the bitter end.SAMUEL BUTLER II I’m going to murder you with love;I’m going to suffocate you with embraces;I’m going to hug you, bone…

Deep Sea Salmon

Dad where have you gone?Did you leap quicksilver into the last runof legendary kings – those eighty-pound June Hogs –that bashed themselves against the wallsof the Grand Coulee Dam?Or are you too smart for the trap of extinctionstill holding in the shadows of that damin the back of my mind – thinkingbut not showing much?…

June 2023 My Mentors/My Fathers

Deep Sea Salmon Dad where have you gone?Did you leap quicksilver into the last runof legendary kings – those eighty-pound June Hogs –that bashed themselves against the wallsof the Grand Coulee Dam?Or are you too smart for the trap of extinctionstill holding in the shadows of that damin the back of my mind – thinkingbut…

May 2023 My Other Mother

Who was she? Was this mother a female? Do I know the Mother within me? The Ugly Queen A tale taken from Duncan Williamson – Scottish Traveler The young king and queen of this land had only a baby girl, but the king’s only thoughts were on how to get rid of the giant who…

April 2023 Nothing but the Truth

Who’s truth? How do I know it? Is it an inside job? Dan-Boy By Eugene Marckx Narrated by Eugene Marckx Dan was in Community College, but he quit. His loans began to mount up. One thing Uncle Jim and Aunt Reva taught him – “Dan-Boy, don’t ever owe nobody no money.” Dan had a part-time…

March 2023 Looking in the Mirror

Who is that in the mirror? What do I want to see? What do I really see? Much Madness Is Divinest Sense Narrated by Eugene Marckx Much Madness is divinest Sense ―To a discerning Eye ―Much Sense ― the starkest Madness ―‘Tis the MajorityIn this, as All, prevail ―Assent ― and you are sane ―Demur…

February 2023 Somewhere a Loving Heart

How do I find my loving heart? Do others know my heart? How does my loving heart speak? Bonds of Trust By Eugene Marckx Narrated by Eugene Marckx Here is the mother – dying – from a disease or from abandonment? The daughter tends to her. The father hasn’t time. He’s at work – desperate…

January 2023 Where I Begin Again

Where I ended. Where someone points. I just proceed. Seduction by David Shumate Narrated by Eugene Marckx I didn't shoo off the two women evangelists who rang my doorbell.Instead, I invited them in to explain the workings of heaven whileI cooked barley and bean soup. I asked one to mince the onions.The other to slice…
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