2021 Online Event

Online Event 2021 A Gathering of Men presents The Gifts I Have to Give to the World Everyone comes into this world endowed with a unique genius, a special gift for the world. This gift is hidden from us. Our call is to discover this gift and be our authentic self. Our social and familial…

The Tangled Hills

Find a place at the edge of a swamp Listen and learn and take in who goes – who stays – what’s eaten – what decays – all the stinks and stews of it in the percolating ooze of a swamp’s necessities until you realize this isn’t all that life’s about When you come away…

The Accidental King

By: Tom Wilk Sept 2019 NOTE: This fable is written in 2nd person form, attempting to place YOU directly into the story. Please interpret each action of the main character from your own personal point-of-view. Consider each decision, action or question as your own “I Statement”.  Let’s just say it’s a beautiful Fall day and…

Deep Sea Salmon

Dad where have you gone? Did you leap quicksilver into a big run of legendary June Hogs now long lost? Or are you too smart for that? Did you break through the trap of extinction holding to the shadows of that dam in back of my mind—thinking but not showing much?   Once in a…

Paul – a last moment

Among my brothers and sisters we don’t send cards on birthdays, but we always try to make time to call — to talk and listen, even if for only a few minutes. These moments are often forgotten but not the sound and warmth of the voice. It was my birthday in the middle of the…

A Vision – Sacred Circle

by John Thompson No words can speak the power of “I AM HERE” For when black thunder cracks on blood-red plains The horseman comes, the storm-chaser of dreams His feathered spear raised high he splits the wind And silences the babbling tongues of men. My words mean nothing, nor is my story told But lived,…


By Eugene Marckx A featherbrained idler – what your grandfather said of him, and farmers hereabouts who should’ve known better, long after Nestor took to the road. Then he was forgotten, but the forgetting couldn’t quite fill in the pigeon-hole, which hid quite a lot, it turned out. Nobody brought up how Nestor made music…

A Hole in the Sky

(from the Colville Native American tradition) Long before humans were born most all the animals felt pretty gray. Was it because the sky was always gray and always about to rain? Was it because there was never enough to go around? Never enough to eat? Never enough comfort? All day long the animals scratched out…

The Hunchback

a tale by Eugene Marckx The valley king died. After his many years of quiet prosperous rule, the people gathered, along with kings from neighboring lands, to remember and express in doleful song their grief and deep respect. When his coffin was lowered into the grave, each of them in passing dropped a flower and…

The Hole in the Sky

(from the Colville Native American tradition) Long before humans were born on the earth all the animals felt pretty gray. The sky was always gray, and half the time about to rain. Food and shelter and comfort were scarce. There was never quite enough to go around. All day long the animals got grouchier and…
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